Immediate Need
Mevec (518) 885-7110
Wilton (518) 581-9443
New York State Funeral Directors Association, www.nysfda.org
New York State Health Department Funeral Rights, http://www.nyhealth.gov/professionals/patients/patient_rights/index.htm
Office of the Inspector General, www.ssa.gov/oig/
Federal Trade Commission, www.ftc.gov
Social Security Administration, www.ssa.gov
Veterans Administration, www.va.gov
New York State Attorney Generals Office, www.oag.state.ny.us
Office of the Medicaid Inspector General, www.omig.state.ny.us
New York State Department of Education Office of Professions
State Education Building-2nd floor, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234, http://www.op.nysed.gov/home.html
New York State Department of Health Bureau of Funeral Directing. 875 Central Avenue, Albany, NY 12206, 518-402-0785
New York State Department of Health Centralized Hospital Intake Program, Mailstop:CA /DCS, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12237, 1-800-804-5447
New York State Senate, www.senate.state.ny.us
Support groups/grief counseling
Angel Names Association, www.angelnames.org
Catholic Charities of Saratoga Warren and Washington Counties 142 Regent Street, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866, 518-587-5000
Community Hospice, www.communityhospice.org/
Gilda’s Club Capital Region New York, One Penny Lane, Latham, New York 12110. www.gccrny.org
Haven Grief Counseling Center, 703 Union Street, Schenectady, New York. 12305. 518-370-1666
High Peaks Hospice, www.highpeakshospice.com
Hospice of Washington County, www.co.washington.ny.us/departments/pubtlth/ph_hospice.htm
Widowed Persons Services, 8 West Notre Dame Street, Glen Falls, New York 12801. 518-793-2306
Local Newspapers
Amsterdam Recorder www.recordernews.com main phone 518-843-1100
Ballston Journal (weekly paper) 518-877-7160
The Daily Gazette, www.dailygazette.com obituary dept 518-382-1100
The Leader Herald, www.leaderherald.com main phone 518-725-8616
The Post Star www.poststar.com obituary dept. 518-742-3325
The Saratogian, www.saratogian.com obituary dept. 518-583-8719
Times Union, www.timesunion.com obituary dept. 518-454-5085
Other associates
Batesville Casket Company www.batesville.com
Fort Miller Service Corp. www.fmgroup.com/service/